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Geva Ilan

President, Ilan Geva & Friends Inc., USA, Senior Director of Strategy, Head of Americas, and US office Vmarsh Healthcare UAE

Ilan Geva is a global branding and consumer behaviour expert, an author, speaker, trainer, and university professor. He co-authored the book “Global Brand Management” and wrote many articles for international healthcare and medical tourism publications. Among his clients are Ministries of health, trade and commerce, chambers of commerce, medical travel clusters, city councils, hospital organizations and private clinics. His work has won over 100 industry awards around the world. Ilan sits on the board of a few companies and organizations and serves on advisory boards for others. His training workshops are popular and in demand.

Ilan taught Branding at the University of Chicago and Consumer Behavior & Marketing at DePaul University. Currently he is teaching at Loyola University Chicago and the Center for Medical Tourism Research – UIW in San Antonio. Ilan is a member of the editorial board at the Healthcare Standards Institute Journal and speaks at many international conferences, assisting many global clients solidify their brands towards profitability.

As someone who lived in four continents, visited over 60 countries and worked for many clients around the globe, he is a seasoned international expert.
