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Georga Maria

Specialist in the International Health Tourism Market - Global Manager, LaingBuisson UK

Maria D. Georga is a Health Tourism professional, IMTJ article contributor and International Speaker. She is the Global Manager of LaingBuisson dealing with its international business development sector.

LaingBuisson is a leading company in Health Tourism and has a long & deep expertise in Medical Travel business Consultation & Solution projects, International Surveys, Web Media Marketing, Health & Medical Tourism Conferences and Workshops. LaingBuisson is widely known for, the main gate for patients who are looking for healthcare options abroad and for the International Medical Travel Journal and Healthcare Markets International, the main e-newspapers that attract readers from all over the world.

Mrs Georga is a University graduate with studies in Business Administration, Employment Relations & Philosophy. Her interviews have been published in local and international Web, Press and TV media. She has participated to several health tourism events and seminars as an international speaker. Her long-time involvement with ministries, associations and healthcare providers from different destinations has given her an international perspective of Health Tourism. Maria is also an awarded writer of two books and self-taught painter.
